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David Gilbert is working to develop this Local Workshop. It is intended to provide the basic processes for the simplest finishing and to introduce several of the most common finishing processes and materials.
In this one-day course you‘ll learn some CNC fundamentals and get to design and build your own project.
Mike Heiller's Shop
(Homes By Design)
This meeting will be at Mike Heiller‘s Shop (Homes by Design) in Webster . Mike has been in business for a long time and his work includes many large remodeling jobs. He builds his own custom cabinets in this shop.
Mike Brawley's shop at 2100 Pond Road, Walworth, NY
The topic for the evening is to show some of the many ways you can sign your work. There are many variations: pen, vibrating engraver, branding iron, laser, and more. Please bring some examples where you have signed your work. There will be lots of opportunities to try out some of these methods.
Monthly SIG meeting at Al‘s shop. Bring things of interest to show and discuss. These can be Lutherie related or more general. Bring a favorite tool, a problem to solve, something you have been working on...
St. John Fisher University
We planned on Vic Tesolin speaking at this meeting but he has canceled. We WILL hold the meeting so that members can at least connect, share work, bring items for sale and conduct club business. We are also seeking another speaker for the meeting (and possibly for a workshop). When finalized we will post the updated plan here and send an email to all members.